Ok this story series I’m doing for our lovely webmistress, will be erotic but will not have a sex scene every 2 pages. In other words this story line will actually have a plot. Now that I have that warning out of the way lets get started.
Vanja was heading off to bed; she already put on her white lingerie she was going to sleep in and head off to bed. (She has the one I’m talking about VIP Pics- Lingerie- 18-21) She hit the bed her tired body soon entering a state of sleep, hopeful that she would have some pleasant dreams or some dreams she could draw on her site.
She woke up in quite a different place she went to sleep in she was also in regular day clothing, a black skirt with a black blouse. Her memory was restored instantly she knew what was going on. She was in a mansion, well sort of. The mansion was merely a continuous dream Archane had set up for her, since the dark place Archane had first taken her was very dark and dank, and she did spend a good part of life here. So Archane set this up for her, his wife. “Mistress, you’ve arrived early today.” A cultured sounding voice told her.
I turned around to address the voice, “I decided to turn in early today Tolatem.” Tolatem was for a lack of a better word my butler, although he seemed to be servant to Archane long before I came along, and I mean long before. It gave him more knowledge then I had about my own husband, which at times was frustrating. As for his appearance, he was rather plain, short about 5’2, short black hair, black eye’s, and tanned skin, he also wore a typical butler outfit, you know the thing you see Alfred wear.
“Ohhh,” Tolatem said as he looked at the ground. “The master will be so disappointed.” Tolatem said shaking his head. I was surprised hearing him say that, Archane always acted happy when I was around, in fact I don’t ever remember seeing him disappointed. “Why will he be disappointed Tolatem?
Tolatem sighed then answered me, “The Master had to take care of some business and is currently unavailable, he will be so sad he missed out on extra time you wanted to spend with him.” After a moment he then continued on. “Oh well, mistress if you came with me I’ll prepare your favorite food in the dinning hall, hopeful Lord Archane will be back by the time you finish.” Tolatem ended with as he walked away. I followed of course he was a great cook but I wondered what Archane was up to? I’d have to try and sweet talk it out of Tolatem not an easy task mind you since he seemed to be as tightlipped about such things as Archane was about his past.
“So Tolatem, what exactly is Archane doing, he spend his free time reading or training, what took him away?” I asked him trying to sneak it in as casual conversation. Tolatem took his time and answered “The Master had to attend to his duties today.” He wasn’t very elaborate was he, the situation angering me a little. Ok then let’s try a different question.
“So it has to do with his guardianship, what happened then, was there some trouble with the spirits, not enough spirits for the dreams, intruders on the island like me?” I asked him fishing for an answer.
“The Master needed to deal with intruders yes.” Tolatem answered. He said intruders but not like me. Hmm I wonder what he was dealing with then, I thought as I followed him into the dinning room.
* * *
An explosion was present at the border of the Island, this border is one that should not have been crossed, yet… these demons sought new flesh, not on my watch I thought as my palm was held out and smoke rose up from it. I had just silenced several of them as they tried to enter my area of protection, they would not disturb the world of good dreams. The remaining demons parted as a demon manifested itself in the image of someone’s bad dream. “Hmmm, I see someone’s been playing Chrono Trigger.” I told myself as the demon appeared before me as Lavos. He mimicked the monster’s attack from the game and tried to run down destructive energy upon me. I held my hands above my head as I erected a shield, the energy never made it past. As it stopped I leaped up and brought my sword down to split it asunder but had to veer off at the last second.
Damn it, that Lavos isn’t from Chrono Trigger, it’s from Chrono Cross, I thought to myself as I jumped out of the way of its next attack. New plan, I told myself as I landed on the creature’s spiky back, I jumped through the spikes as some of them pierced my skin. I arrived at the chamber where the young woman was held, most likely a good spirit they used down there, I thought as I sliced it open and grabbed her, I lifted her onto my shoulder, and leapt up while the demon was still trying to buck me off. My sword glowed a light blue and I threw it into the monster’s back he incinerated from the contact.
From the horde of demons that original started this invasion only a dozen were left. “Leave!” I told them giving them a death stare. For the first time in the day they saw they had lost their advantage, they retreated to their side with their tails between there legs. I sighed, not only would I have to clean up this cut’s before Vanja came, I would have to make sure this spirit wasn’t a demon in disguise or if she was a good spirit is she needed any medical treatment. I sighed again as I started to walk back to the mansion
As I sat down at the dinning room table I decided to try and get more info about Archane out of Tolatem by asking Tolatem about his past. “So what was it like in ancient Egypt Tolatem?”
“It was a hard life compared to serving the master, I spent my days in the fields under the motherlands harsh sun, but the day he saved my life changed how I would live for a long time.” Tolatem said with sigh.
“I’m sure it did, I know it certainly changed my life. So tell me how old is Archane, he must be fairly old if he lived in ancient Egypt, was he the Pharaoh at the time?” I asked him as he came in with some food.
“No mistress Vanja he was not a Pharaoh, in fact I know now he lived long before even our eldest of Pharaoh’s, at the very least a couple Millennium.” Tolatem told her as he lifted up the silver lid to the dish. “Your favorite Mistress, chocolate cake, decorated with chocolate cookies, with a rich chocolate pudding center, with zero calories, no fat, and all the taste.
“This isn’t really a meal, but that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy it.” Vanja said as she dug in, yet she found it weird usually Tolatem was better at evading her questions. She decided to go for it today. “Tolatem, I saw a couple name’s while going through some old books, one of them was Juene, does that mean anything to you?” Vanja asked, and at the mention of that name Tolatem nearly dropped the next dish he was bringing in.
“Mistress that name is a name given to one of my peoples goddess, she stood for balance, ice, and ascension in my mythology, yet the Master forbids the name Juene to be spoken in this household.” Tolatem said quite flustered.
Vanja’s interest was peaked, “Do you have any idea why?” She asked him real nice.
“It isn’t of any importance Vanja.” Archane said in a calm voice, his sudden appearance spooked me, despite the fact the man didn’t make a sound when he walked, you would think I would be used to it. As he walked into the dinning room he had several cuts on him and he carried a woman over his shoulder.
Tolatem was the first to speak, “Lord Archane, I see you have returned earlier then expected, and your injured my lord, do you require any attention?”
“No… I’m fine, however look after this women,” as Tolatem takes her from me Archane whisper into his ear, “she could be a possible threat make sure she isn’t.”
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The scratches on his body weren’t bad but he always gave off the impression of being invincible, I guess he could be hurt Vanja thought as Archane sat down at the table. “What happened, who was that women?” I asked him, although getting answers out of Archane about the details of his job or past was like pulling teeth. |
“Not sure about the women, Tolatem will take care of her though.” Archane answered me.
He completely ignored the first part of my question, I sighed why didn’t he trust me… wait I have an idea; I thought with a smile while I ate my food.
Archane sit right next to me and asked me, “Vanja it’s good to see you so early, must mean you turned in early, was it a tiring day or is something important happening tomorrow?”
“I just wanted to get to bed and perhaps dream a good dream.” I told Archane as I blew a kiss in his direction, giving him a clear hint at what I meant.
Archane smirked at my action, “Well that can be arranged of course, so did you want more material for your site or a date?” He was happy, I could tell, but I hardly ever got more then a smirk out of him.
“Well I want more material, there’s this comic I’ve been working on, but just didn’t have the inspiration I need for it.” I told him.
“Really… your hardly ever have such a specific thing in mind, I usually have to look in your subconscious to find something. It’s fine by me, but let’s see you set it up this time, I taught you how to take us there.” Archane said as he reached out and held my hand. He taught me a while ago how to create any dream I wanted, I picked it up quickly the dream was only limited by my imagination.
“Alright, lets go.” I told him as I closed my eyes and focused.
I opened my eye’s to see I had created a perfect dream for myself. The area was clear grassland there was some scattered trees and a bright sun with a few clouds in the sky.
“Well this is interesting,” I heard Archane say, “this is perhaps the most radical change you’ve made me take on.” Archane told me as he stood about 3 feet away. He was still a warrior, just an unusual one, his hair had changed, it was now a long flowing white mane, and he wore a red kimono, with a prayer bead necklace around his neck, and a sword at his waist. Oh yes the most distinguishing feature was the dog-ears and claws he had. “You look good though.” He added.
“You think.” I told him as I looked at my outfit, I didn’t change myself at all except for my outfit which was now a school girls outfit, it was a short green skirt, with a long shirt which had green a big green collar held with a small red ribbon, I also had a bow and arrow on my back.
“Well should we get started” Archane asked as he came up behind me and grabbed the top of my shirt.
“Wait, not so fast, I wanted to start out my comic with myself asking you some questions,” I told Archane as I moved out of his grasp and turned around with a smile, I then continued on asking the question in a sultry voice. “Like what exactly were you doing today?”
“I was doing my job.” Archane answered.
“SIT!” I yelled.
“UGH!” Archane yelled as he fell to the ground hard and made a crater of himself in it.
“What do you know, it works, and you know… Kagome’s right, this is cool.” I said to myself.
“Yooouuuu… why did you do that?” Archane asked in pain much like Inuyasha would
“I want some answers honey,” I told him in a sweet voice, I continued while stroking his dog-ears and talking to him with the same sweet voice, “ever since we’ve been bonded you’ve been very elusive on your past and what you do as a guardian.”
Archane looked away as he made a Humph sound. “I’ve been in enough relationships to know that most partners don’t care about the day to day routine of their spouse’s work, why the sudden interest?”
“Sit, sit, sit!” I yelled sending Archane further into the ground three times, while I still stroked his dog-ears.
He lifted up his face now covered in dirt and anger. “Why did you do that!” he yelled then his face seemed to change at my expression.
“I… worry about you, your job isn’t exactly normal, and when you came home with scratches over your body and a women over your shoulder, it leaves me with a lot of questions. Also, you total avoid any of my questions about yourself and your past.” I told him as my head was hung low.
Archane watched her for a second and noticed a slight tear roll down her check, the realization about how serious she was hit him. It looked like I would have to trust her with my past; she earned it, Archane thought. “Alright…” I told her face changed slightly as if she was curious about what I meant. “I didn’t notice you were ready yet, I’ll answer your questions, I give you my word.” Archane told her.
“Tomorrow, my time is limited already and I do want to enjoy this fantasy.” I told him as I leaned in and kissed him, I was very aggressive and pushed him onto his back when I did so. I could see Archane’s surprise at the initially lip lock but he soon regained his senses and started to kiss me back. His kisses always felt great, I suppose he has a lot of experience in the area, but that still didn’t talk away from his skill every time he kissed me, he knew exactly when to break away so I could breath and even with shorter kisses they still left me… breathless.
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This time however I broke the kiss before him. “Now I’m a little tired of you beating around the bush, it’s obvious to everyone so I’m going to do this.” I told Archane or rather the character he was playing, I’m sure Kagome would get tired of Inuyasha’s unwillingness to take the first step, so Kagome would have to do it. That was at least the basis of this fantasy/comic I was going to draw if this turned out all right. I moved down and removed his pants and find his cock already hard. I licked my lips in anticipation as I slowly started to lick it up and down. “Vanja…” Archane said in a strained voice as he started to rise. |
“Sit.” I said in response sending him back to the ground while continuing to lick his cock.
“Why did you do that?” Archane asked while he was enjoying the pleasure I was giving him.
“You’re not going to do a thing, you obviously couldn’t do anything before, so why let you know.” I told Archane with a knowing smile as I played my part. I then went back to work and thought how this fantasy had me a little more controlling then the others, but that could change, I thought as I continued to focus on my husbands pleasure as I swallowed his cock and licked it while moving up and down.
“Not fair.” Archane said as he closed his eyes and gripped the grass in pleasure. I continued to give him a blowjob as he continued to experience my pleasure and every time he tried to get up I gave him the sit command to keep him in place. He held off for a while but started to lose.
“Vanja… this is too good I’m about to…” Archane choked out. I was waiting for this as I increased my attention causing him to shot his load into my mouth. I swallowed it in stride. He shot his cum for a while; apparently I did a good job.
I received a good amount of pleasure from the job it had left me wet. His cock was still hard and I wanted to experience some more pleasure so I pulled my panties off, while I noticed he was trying to get up, a quick sit command put him back down he was starting to get annoyed, but I’m sure he would enjoy this, I thought as I positioned myself above him and placed his cock inside of me, as usually it felt great, we had been so intimate over the years that we both knew each others so well that it almost seemed like we were designed to be together. I started to move up and down on his cock working myself over. I started to move my hips from side to side to enjoy him more as I heard Archane enjoy himself but at the same time he couldn’t do anything because he was a simple sit command away from stopping. I continued to ride him as I approached my Orgasm I started to play with my breast to heighten it paying close attention to my nipples, as I went faster I could feel it fast approaching. “I’m almost there, I’m, I’m cumming!” I yelled out as I could feel myself fly away, the pleasure overwhelming me. I closed my eye’s as I absorbed it all in as I felt Archane follow suit and could feel his cum enter my pussy, I could feel it coat every inch of it. We both breathed heavily, usually it would go longer or go into a different fantasy but we both appeared back in the mansion, this meant I would soon wake up. It was such a shame too, we were having such fun, I thought with a smile.
“Vanja, if we do another Inuyasha one please don’t use one where I won’t be able to participate without asking me first.” Archane told me as he straightened himself out.
I hurt his pride I think, so I thought I’d throw him a curveball. “Are you telling me you didn’t like it?” I asked in a sweet voice.
“No not at all, your service was great, however I prefer to participate.” Archane told me with a smile. I was a bit taken back with his answer, how easily I forget that when he doesn’t avoid a question he usually just speaks his mind with the utmost truth.
“Well Vanja, you’ll be awake soon, I look forward to our time together tonight.” Archane told me as he suddenly kissed me, and it wasn’t a simple peck, it was one of his soul absorbing ones. He would literally wait until he knew I couldn’t breathe anymore and would pull away at that moment, and his kisses, they always felt so incredible. His kisses always left me in a state of arousal. Our lips parted at just the right time as usually, despite the great sex we just had I felt like we should do it again. “Goodbye wife.” Archane told me as he started to fade away.
I woke up in my bed, my memories quickly faded, but I did remember that dream as I felt the wetness on my legs. My mindset had completely changed as I felt it and was set once again to life in reality. It was something to draw about I thought happily as I walked towards the shower. “Inuyasha, would make an interesting comic but, now that I think about it I, really haven’t done any anime comics have I, well it will be an interesting change, but first a shower.” I said out loud as I entered the warm water.
A tiny shadow could be seen crawling out from under Vanja’s pillow. The shadow began to speak aloud; it had a sinister voice that would cause most people to have chills down their spines. “Sooo, this is the tear he created, excellent, with this knowledge we can begin our plans.” The shadow then heard the water running. “A shower, such a lovely woman, I could… no, no I must control myself now is not the time, soon, very soon though.” It then seemed to disappear. Vanja soon turned off her shower and got dressed for the day ahead.
“Well Tolatem how is the girl?” Archane asked as he stood over her.
“She seems to be fine soon, she’s not a demon if that’s what’s worrying you lord. After a few weeks she should be able to join her follow spirits, however I suggest she stay away from any lust dreams, poor thing has been through who knows what.” Tolatem said as he covered the young looking woman in blankets.
Archane had other things on his mind. “Thank you Tolatem, I’ll attend to some business and then I’ll be back. I promised Vanja I’d answer some questions.” Archane told him, he then quickly turned around and started to leave.
“Your going to answer her questions sir!” Tolatem said in shock he continued on in shock as he asked. “You must really love the girl then, are you sure?”
Archane stopped just as he entered the doorframe; he seemed to ponder Tolatem statement before answering. “Quite, she deserves to know.” Archane answered and continued out.
Tolatem chuckled a bit, “I haven’t seen the master like this since Jama or even Mari. It’s nice to see him opening up again.” Tolatem told himself as he looked over the new arrival.
This has to be taken care of, it can’t wait, I didn’t sense it until now, which means I wasn’t paying attention or it was protecting itself with superb concealment spell, that spirit housed a demon, recently, now it seemed to be gone. I’d have to check the entire Island and I would find it. No disgusting demon would ever harm any inhabitants of this Island or anyone who came to this world under my protection! Archane yelled in his head as he went out and began his survey of the Island.
To be continued…