A Vanja’s World story by Scott D.
Scene 1
It was a dark, cold night in Norway, not that it was anything new of course,
but that’s beside the point. Young Vanja was walking through a large, public
street, holding her black coat around her tightly.
Vanja (Thinks): Stupid Norwegian
weather and stupid cold climate…
She suddenly bumped into somebody and fell onto her rear end, a little
Vanja: Oh! I’m, I’m sorry, please, I
should pay more attention to where I was…
Sitting opposite her was a boy. He had messy blonde hair in a long ponytail
and grey eyes. His clothing was a little odd – a grey T-Shirt, black leather
trousers with laces travelling up the sides, a black leather waistcoat and
black leather boots with silver shin guards. He was also wearing a studded
belt with a demon-head buckle and a studded bracelet covering his right
forearm. Lying in the snow next to him was a pair of blue-tinted glasses.
Vanja (Thinks): WOW!
The boy rubbed his head and then stood up, retrieving his glasses and
dusting the snow off them. He slid them over his eyes and offered his hand
to the downed Vanja.
Boy: Need some ‘elp there love?
Vanja: Y…Your accent! It’s…
Boy: British? Yeah, I’m from England.
Scotty Rave, at your service.
He spun around on one foot and then bowed, taking Vanja’s hand and kissing
it. Vanja blushed violently and withdrew her shaking hand.
Vanja: P…Pleasure to meet you, I’m
Vanja. You speak good Norwegian.
Scotty: The whole band does, when
you’re on an international tour it should only make sense to learn the
Vanja: Band? Tour? Are you a
Scotty: Nothing big love, we’re
making a name for ourselves overseas. Here, take this. It’s a backstage
ticket to our concert tomorrow night.
He handed Vanja a small slip of yellow paper with the official wording
printed on it. She read the name off of the paper with a raised eyebrow.
Vanja: Scotty Rave & the Jackers?
How’d you come up with that…?
Scotty sweatdropped nervously.
Scotty: Don’t ask. Just…try and be
there ok?
Vanja: Ok…
Scotty walked past her, slapping her on the behind. Vanja yelped in surprise
and then glared at him as he walked away, a red streak crossing her face.
Vanja: PRICK!
Scotty: BABE!
She blushed again and walked away, her nose turned upwards.
Vanja (Thinks): He’s lucky I can’t
resist a good musician…
Scene 2
Backstage at the local concert hall, the 4-member band were making some
final adjustments to their instruments. Rob the bassist was a short figure
with dark eyes, bushy brows and a mop of jet black hair; he was clad in a
green shirt, flint necklace, beaten Nikes, combat trousers and a
white-and-blue chequered blazer. Simon the guitarist was a skinny person
with mad hair in dreadlocks that stuck out in all directions; he was wearing
a green ‘Nirvana’ T-Shirt, baggy, faded jeans, badly worn out Nikes and a
green visor cap over his brown eyes. Finally, there was John the drummer,
who was the biggest and strongest with his square chin, near-shaven head and
grey eyes; he was wearing a grey jumper, jogging trousers and Adidas
Scotty: Ok, everyone tuned up?
Simon: Ready an’ rippin’ Scotty.
Rob: Same here man.
John merely grunted, as was his way. The band nodded to each other as they
heard the PA system crackle to life.
PA: And now, for you, the wonderful
audience. We have some fresh blood on the stage tonight. All the way from
the sunny shores of Shoeburyness, South England, the newest Punk-Metal
sensation to grace the planet…Scotty Rave & the Jackers!
The crowd applauded as the curtains parted, revealing the band members,
ready to go. Scotty grabbed them microphone and screamed into it.
Crowd: YEAH!!!
Scotty: I said…ARE YOU READ T’ ROCK?!
Scotty: 1, 2, a 1, 2, 3, 4!
The band began playing a loud, upbeat tune, about half a minute passing
before Scotty began singing.
God Save the Queen!
The fascist regime!
They made you a moron!
Potential H-Bomb!
God Save the Queen!
She ain’t no human being!
And there’s no future!
In England’s dreaming!
Don’t be told what you want!
And don’t be told what you need!
There’s no future, no future…!
No future for you!
Vanja (Thinks): Hey…these guys aren’t
half bad.
God Save the Queen!
We mean it, man!
We love our Queen!
God Saves!
God Save the Queen!
Coz tourists are money!
And our figurehead!
Is not what she seems!
Vanja (Thinks): Wow…they are good!
That’s it, I gotta meet Scotty after the concert!
Scene 3
Vanja walks around backstage, swiftly locating the band in the midst of a
conversation. Rob and Simon knocked their bottles of Fosters together and
began drinking. John was lazily twirling one of his drumsticks in his
fingers like a cowboy would his gun. Scotty was laughing with Rob and Simon.
Vanja: Scotty!
Scotty: Eh? Oh, hey! What did you
think of the show?
Vanja: It was amazing.
Simon: Who’s the buxom babe?
Scotty rolled his eyes at Simon’s comment as Vanja just blushed, covering
her chest with her arms despite having clothes on.
Scotty: A friend of mine, her name’s
He grabbed a can of Fosters from the table and gulped it down. Vanja took a
seat beside him and took a can as well.
Scotty: You’d better have a head for
drink, or that’ll knock you stupid.
Vanja swiftly reconsidered and put the can back, which Simon then grabbed
and gulped down. Unconsciously, the raven-haired girl leant against the lead
singer. Scotty’s eyes widened and a red streak crossed his face. His grey
eyes darted in her direction. Simon and Rob snorted and even John had a tiny
smile on his face.
Scotty: WHAT?!
He blushed even more when he felt Vanja tugging on his arm.
Vanja: Let’s go somewhere.
Scotty: Hominahominahomina…
Simon: Go on mate, enjoy yourself!
Scotty dropped his Fosters and allowed Vanja to lead him out of the
backstage area and out into the open night, but not before he grabbed his
trench coat on the way. Vanja sighed.
Vanja: I’ve lived in Norway my whole
life…and I still hate the cold.
Scotty looked at her for a moment before removing his coat and draping it
over her shoulders. Vanja smiled shyly.
Vanja: Oh…thank you…but aren’t you
Scotty: It makes me cold to see a
beautiful woman uncomfortable.
Vanja: Oh…well…I…
The space between them began to close. Their eyes closed slightly, staring
into each other. She could feel his cool, spearmint breath on her lips and
they both blushed again.
Vanja: Scotty…
Scotty: Vanja…
The space closed completely as their lips met softly. Vanja slid her arms
around his neck, pulling herself closer as Scotty wrapped his own arms
around her. They parted several moments later.
Scotty & Vanja: I love you.
Scene 4
In the tour bus home of ‘Scotty Rave & the Jackers’, the new couple were in
each other’s arms, stripped to their underwear as the heating system warmed
their bodies. Scotty reached for the hi-fi system and pressed it, a love
song starting – ‘Gimme, Gimme, Gimme’ by E-Rotic. Vanja reached behind
Scotty’s head and found the black hair band, sliding it off and letting the
singer’s long, blonde hair loose. She was surprised to find it was almost as
long as hers! She smiled and kissed him softly.
Vanja: Please…use me carefully.
Scotty: You have my word on it.
Vanja: The others won’t see us like
this, will they?
Scotty: They’re gonna be out all
night, trust me.
They kissed again then he began to trail down her neck gently, licking her
skin. Vanja breathed in then gasped, stroking his long, blonde hair.
Scotty’s hands slipped around Vanja’s back and undid the clasp of her bra
before he removed it. Her chest exposed, Vanja blushed again. Scotty kissed
her once more before travelling down the front of her neck and then across
the cleavage of her right bosom. He then kissed her right nipple before
lowering his mouth over it completely, fondling the left bosom with his
hand. Vanja gasped as he sucked her sensitive flesh.
Scotty came back to eye level, he and Vanja staring into each other’s eyes
as he slid his boxer shorts down, exposing his erect penis. Vanja sensed the
warmth and moved her panties down.
Scotty: Do you want me to…?
Vanja: Yes…go on… |
Without a moment’s hesitation, the English singer plunged himself into her.
Vanja let out a yell of pleasure as he moved in and out of her. The
Norwegian girl looked up at him through half-closed eyes and he looked back
the same way. They embraced once more, kissing passionately.
Scene 5
It was the next morning. Scotty and Vanja stood opposite each other in their
warm clothing. Vanja looked down momentarily.
Vanja: Will I see you again?
Scotty: I should think so Vanja,
Vanja: W…What?
Scotty: My parents are moving here to
get away from the shit-hole England’s turning into. So…I guess we’ll be
seeing a lot of each other.
Vanja wiped joyful tears from her eyes then suddenly charged, tackling
Scotty to the ground.